Monday, September 27, 2010

Tyler is 8 today!

I can't believe my little TT is 8! For some reason age 8 is really hard for me. I was good with 1-7, but 8 has me a little weepy. I don't know why really. It's like all of a sudden he is a big kid, no trace of a little kid. I don't even recognize him anymore when I pick him up from school. I'm still looking for little T. My mom pointed out last night while we were eating some "delicious" cake with blue frosting, ick, that in 8 more years he will be 16! YIKES! Not ready for that yet.

Happy Birthday T! You are such a sweet natured, loving little boy. Never change!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First day of School

No words, just pictures.

New Kitties

Wow, Its been a long time... sorry!

We have 2 new additions to our crazy family. They fit right in! We have been wanting a new cat since the tragic death of our beloved Otis. Jer and I were at lunch a few weeks ago and I suggested we go to a pet store near by. That is all it took. The kitties were in the same cage and I couldn't choose just one, i had to have both. So, here they are.

The female Torte's name is Rosie, and the black and white male is Jack. Rosie is a sweet little girl that likes to steal people food right off of your plate. Jack is a LOUD, demanding boy. Aren't they all. lol.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jen's Daybook...

Today is... Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Outside my is a beautiful day. I cannot wait to get out of this office.

I am thinking...See above. lol.

I am thankful...for my family and friends.

I am wearing...Jeans, tank top, button up shirt, flip flops.

I am beloved cat, Otis.

I am creating...?? Not very creative.

I am try and cook for my family more.

I am reading... who has time to read?

I am hoping/praying...that we can go on a fun family vacation before school starts.

I am worker trying to explain divorce process to client.

On my mind... date night on Saturday, yummy dinner tonight, weigh-in Thursday.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

RIP Otis - June 2008 - June 2010

A horrible thing has happened. My beloved cat was hit by a car last night and was killed. I unfortunately saw it right after it happened. I completely lost it. I wanted to run out there and scoop him up but Jer wouldn't let me. He just told me to go back inside and he would take care of it. We buried him in our back yard, Tyler wrote his name with sticks and pine cones. I don't think it has really sunk in with the kids yet. It gives me some comfort to know that he felt no pain. He died instantly. The woman who hit him pulled over and was crying. She felt horrible and apologized. That meant so much to me.

I have never been so attached to an animal. I mean, I had cats and dogs growing up but none of them were MINE. Otis was my cat. He picked me! Once I finally talked Jer into getting a cat we went to Pet Smart "just to look". There was Otis with 4 or 5 of his brothers and sisters. I picked up a few before him but it just didn't feel right, then I picked Otis up. He instantly climbed up on my shoulder and just sat there. Like it was meant to be. I had to have him. He came home with us the next day. From then on we were inseparable. He followed me everywhere and snuggled with me every night. He knew when I was upset and would curl up in front of me and just purr away. He was only with us for a little while but I will never forget him. RIP little man.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Samantha's 5th Bday Party at Gramma's

Tyler's last day of baseball

Tyler finished out the baseball season with a few good plays and a base hit. He's still not sure if he wants to do it next year, but he said he would think about it. After the game the team had a BBQ and handed out plaques to the kids. Tyler wants us to hang it in the living room so everyone can see it.